The Last Of Us Game Review
guys crazy if this game isn't number 1 or 2, I mean It has awesome
graphics, awesome gameplay and I'm sure it will have an amazing
This game is gonna be a hundred times better than Grand Theft Auto V, it should be on the top of the list with BioShock Infinite
This game is gonna be a hundred times better than Grand Theft Auto V, it should be on the top of the list with BioShock Infinite
The only reason this isn't #1 is because it's exclusive.
If this were multiplat, it would be #1 no doubt. This is not just game of the year, it's game of the generation.
Don't get me wrong, I cannot wait for Grand Theft Auto V. That will be an incredible experience. But is it something NEW? Not really, it's just really big. is an entirely new concept in that no zombie (I know they're infected, not zombies but same concept) game before has focused so much on story.
Naughty Dog is the pinnacle of gaming this generation. Everything about TLoU is phenomenal. The gameplay is smooth, fun, exciting, and much more varied than in any other shooter. The graphics are among the best this gen has seen. The story is indescribable. Yes, the premise has been done before, but the way and manages to convey the story is something that MUST be experienced first hand to really appreciate it and understand why this game is so good.
Hell, even the multiplayer is damn addicting.
It's a shame this isn't at least up there with Grand Theft Auto. It sure as hell beats AC and BS:I in my book.
If this were multiplat, it would be #1 no doubt. This is not just game of the year, it's game of the generation.
Don't get me wrong, I cannot wait for Grand Theft Auto V. That will be an incredible experience. But is it something NEW? Not really, it's just really big. is an entirely new concept in that no zombie (I know they're infected, not zombies but same concept) game before has focused so much on story.
Naughty Dog is the pinnacle of gaming this generation. Everything about TLoU is phenomenal. The gameplay is smooth, fun, exciting, and much more varied than in any other shooter. The graphics are among the best this gen has seen. The story is indescribable. Yes, the premise has been done before, but the way and manages to convey the story is something that MUST be experienced first hand to really appreciate it and understand why this game is so good.
Hell, even the multiplayer is damn addicting.
It's a shame this isn't at least up there with Grand Theft Auto. It sure as hell beats AC and BS:I in my book.
have had the honor of completing both Grand Theft Auto V and The Last
of Us within one week and I can testify as an unbiased entity that Last
of Us is the best game I have ever played followed by Grand Theft Auto
V. Now I know that TLOS is exclusive and that is the reason it is
lagging behind Grand Theft Auto but believe me when I say it: TLOS is
the best complete gaming experience you can ever hope for; this coming
from a guy who had the best gaming week in his life with the top two
games. Other games are in the upper echelon as well but these two are
playing a different sport altogether, forget the same league.
As it stands, if it were a toss up between Grand Theft Auto V and TLOS. I would give TLOS the nudge 10 out of 10 times. In terms of Gameplay, TLOS eclipses Grand Theft Auto even though the possibilities are endless. But TLOS accentuates its strengths and sticks by them. There are minute intricacies which gamers tend to look over but TLOS compelled them to take notice. Eg. Anyone who has played will maintain in no uncertain terms that the trivial segment where Ellie and Joel see a Giraffe and the enthusiasm on her face just protrudes onto you. Grand Theft Auto on the other hand is almost as competent when it comes to creating a connection between the player and the three characters and the experience is surreal. There are so many things going on that the myriad will leave you befuddled. It's like that buffet spread at your favourite restaurant, you just don't know what you want to eat first. But Grand Theft Auto's modus operandi is what is usurped by Last of Us in terms of the sheer storyline driven mentality. The intensity of emotional involvement is unprecedented and the pontificated gameplay as opposed to Grand Theft Auto's vast options act as the clincher. As Bruce Lee once said: 'I don't fear the 1000 moves you practice one time, I am afraid of the one move you practice a thousand times'; in case you haven't realised it yet, TLOS is the latter.
As it stands, if it were a toss up between Grand Theft Auto V and TLOS. I would give TLOS the nudge 10 out of 10 times. In terms of Gameplay, TLOS eclipses Grand Theft Auto even though the possibilities are endless. But TLOS accentuates its strengths and sticks by them. There are minute intricacies which gamers tend to look over but TLOS compelled them to take notice. Eg. Anyone who has played will maintain in no uncertain terms that the trivial segment where Ellie and Joel see a Giraffe and the enthusiasm on her face just protrudes onto you. Grand Theft Auto on the other hand is almost as competent when it comes to creating a connection between the player and the three characters and the experience is surreal. There are so many things going on that the myriad will leave you befuddled. It's like that buffet spread at your favourite restaurant, you just don't know what you want to eat first. But Grand Theft Auto's modus operandi is what is usurped by Last of Us in terms of the sheer storyline driven mentality. The intensity of emotional involvement is unprecedented and the pontificated gameplay as opposed to Grand Theft Auto's vast options act as the clincher. As Bruce Lee once said: 'I don't fear the 1000 moves you practice one time, I am afraid of the one move you practice a thousand times'; in case you haven't realised it yet, TLOS is the latter.
As far as the storyline goes, I don't think it's even a competition really. TLOS snatches the trophy and then some. The emotions on the faces of the characters transfer on to the controller. I still haven't gotten over that ending (Whoosh! ). Grand Theft Auto V is close enough in terms of continuity but the fact that it is trodden territory gives it an early disadvantage right away. If it weren't for that though, if Rockstar (who according to me is the Naughty Dog of cross-platform gaming) absolutely came up with a nerve-wracking experience then it would have given TLOS a run for its money.
The only aspect where Grand Theft Auto outshines TLOS for me is the character switch element. You can effortlessly change between two characters at almost any given point of time (unless you f'd up somehow, like being wanted) is the coup-de-grace for the game but in all honestly that isn't good enough to clinch the zenith of the podium for me.
Once again, this is my perspective and solely my opinion. Keeping all of that aside, indubitably this has been the best couple of weeks for me as a gamer. I know comparisons will always rise and I will always try to look at both sides of the weighing scale but for now, I am too busy reveling in the glory that is TLOS and Grand Theft Auto V.
Hopefully there are sequels or prequels or whatever quels floats their boats. Naughty Dog, Rockstar give your self a Barry Horowitz-esque pat on the back and a cookie. You deserve it, oh and thank you.
System Requirements of The Last Of Us Game
The latest system requirements News for The Last of Us
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